A downloadable soundtrack

This here is my submission for Lone Rabbit's 7th OST Composing Jam. I was so excited to participate and it feels a bit unreal finally submitting it with less than 12 hours before the deadline, but I did it. I've got a (hopefully) brief description of what I based the soundtrack on and the fictional game I made in my head (certified ideas guy right here) as well as a basic breakdown of my thought process in making the tracks.

The theme was based off a beautiful image by the wonderful @kawakaar._ and the phrase "inside my world" that, I admit, left me stumped when it was finally announced. After much pacing and consideration, the watery world surrounding the girl reminded me of constantly day dreaming about Pokemon when I was little so I ran with that and hoped to make it sound as dreamy and underwater-y as possible. I conceptualized the fictional game the soundtrack would be for as a mix between Pokemon and the turn-based Final Fantasy games, where different creatures and the main character would all be fighting alongside each other. The game would also use the protagonist going outside to play or having a day at school as the framing device which their imaged world lies on top of.

1. Home is Away - This track was made to be the title and main menu theme. "Home is Away" is also the name of the fictional game I made this for! Most melodic motifs used in the other two tracks originate from here and it's the first track I made for the project. I pulled some Legend of Zelda influence into this, since Twilight Princess has been on my mind since the last Jam I participated in, which I don't see as a bad thing because who doesn't love Koji Kondo?

2. Away is Free - This was designed to an overworld theme which, as a starting point, seems a bit insurmountable, but becomes rather fun once you have something going. I made this one in 3/4 because waltzes just have a constant motion to them that I thought fit the function of the song very well. Probably not the most waltzy waltz in the world, but it marches along just as I hoped it would.

3. Free is Fleeting - Cutting through the peace of the overworld theme in double time, this track is our battle theme. I wanted the track to be fast-paced as I imagined the player of this game breezing through menus and characters taking action rather quickly. I think I did a good job balancing the glockenspiel with the chugging guitars and bass, which makes me glad cause maintaining the "dreamy" feel with heavy distortion is quite a challenge. Nothing some decent mixing can't solve. The second half of the track is meant to be a low health version, the same way Pokemon battle themes will change up when your lovely little monster hits red health. Only for mine, I treated it as a half-time break down and I wanted to encourage the (imagined) player to slow down a bit and focus. This is all done alongside some added dissonance in the sound design so it hopefully still feels rather tense.

Again, I was so glad to participate in this. Watching the number of entrants increase in the time leading up to it's start was simultaneously nerve-wracking and thrilling. I'm also so glad to be presenting this music to so many composers whose work I'm familiar with and have so much respect for. I'm excited for feedback from those who I frankly consider to be experts in musical atmosphere. For the last time, thank you to Lone Rabbit. I can't wait for the next one.


Home is Away.wav 15 MB
Away is Free.wav 17 MB
Free is Fleeting.wav 25 MB

Install instructions

Wav files are available here, you can also listen to them on Soundcloud for the time being!

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